We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that Halina Rosenkranz, Group Facilitator and Case Manager for the WJCS Holocaust Survivor Program, will be inducted into Westchester County’s Senior Hall of Fame. Halina has been a passionately dedicated and caring advocate and supporter of some of the most vulnerable people in Westchester County: aging Holocaust survivors. Her compassion for survivors, who have lived through unimaginable loss and devastation, has made her an invaluable source of comfort and emotional and practical support to them as well as to their children, the Second Generation, who bear the scars of their parents’ tragedy. 

Halina, who is herself a child of Holocaust survivors, facilitates three WJCS support groups—for Holocaust Survivors, Child Survivors of the Holocaust, and the Second Generation. The weekly Holocaust Survivors group meetings are true lifelines to many participants. They discuss current events, the challenges of aging, as well as their everyday struggles and needs. Survivors, most of whom are now in their nineties, are plagued by their physical infirmities and nightmarish memories. 

Halina understands that aging, for many survivors, is a colossal challenge and a source of the reactivation of trauma. Coping with bereavement due to the loss of spouses and friends, personal illness, and loss of independence are difficult for most people to deal with. However, for survivors, the agony, loss, and deprivation they experienced during the war years further intensifies the suffering brought on by normal aging. The group process for survivors and their families offers a chance to tell their stories and details of their lives before, during, and after the war. With Halina’s leadership, the trusting relationships within her groups allow for honest sharing and dialogue. 

At this time of rising antisemitism in America and worldwide, survivors are particularly anxious and scared. They have trouble sleeping, experience nightmares, and need reassurance. Halina, who has a B.A. degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and is a Holocaust educator and speaker, offers survivors much-needed empathy, reassurance, and the opportunity for them to share with and support their peers.  

Halina recognizes the importance of Holocaust Survivors being together and helps organize social events for the community of Holocaust survivors in Westchester. These include WJCS luncheons to celebrate the Jewish holidays of Sukkot and Passover and outings to cultural events, including films, Broadway and off-Broadways shows, and concerts. For the Survivors, many of whom live alone and are lonely, looking forward to these events brings boundless joy. Sharing in good times together, dancing horas together, singing traditional holiday songs together—these create priceless experiences and memories. Halina’s contribution to Westchester County and the Holocaust survivor population has been invaluable. 

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