POINT supports adults, ages 21 and older, with developmental and learning disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, to live independently in apartments located throughout downtown White Plains. Participants engage in individual and group meetings that emphasize life skills training, health awareness and social interactions. In addition to building camaraderie, participants are supported by a dedicated staff of master’s level specialists.

POINT services include:

  • 24-hour emergency phone contact
  • Social skills, health awareness and advocacy training
  • Social and recreational opportunities
  • Community Activities
  • Internship Opportunities
  • Day and Weekend Trips
  • Wellness Programs
  • Community Habilitation training that includes housekeeping, cooking, and money and time management among other skills

Participants receive a weekly visit from their program specialists to help them achieve their personal goals and assist with any problem-solving needs. A monthly calendar of social activities is available to participants. All POINT participants are expected to be actively engaged in employment, education, or volunteer opportunities. Many of POINT participants are in paid employment, with others engaged in paid and unpaid internships, training programs or volunteer opportunities.

Families, an integral part of POINT, participate in committees to enhance program offerings and assist with accessing needed services for participants. Parents raise funds and volunteer their talents to provide increased opportunities for the participants.

POINT seeks adults who have experience living away from home, such as a college or post-secondary residential program. They must be independent managing their medications and demonstrate emotional stability prior to admission.

Community Habilitation

Community Habilitation Trainers, provide skills training and development so that the participant can enhance their independent living skills. Community habilitation is provided by trained Community Programs of WJCS staff in the participant’s home and services may include, but are not limited to training in social skills, personal grooming, household chores, laundry, cooking, money management and shopping.

“We will be forever grateful to you and POINT for making it possible for Ben to live independently in the community.  Through the internship program, he developed the ability to work and now has a job that he loves.  He developed good friendships through POINT’s social activities that will continue. He even met his romantic partner of more than 5 years! Thank you for helping Ben transition to adulthood!  We couldn’t have done it without you and POINT.”

Parent of POINT Participant

“Our daughter has really grown and achieved so much in the years that she has been of POINT.”

– Parent of POINT Participant

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