Q. What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)?
A. DBT is a cutting-edge, evidence-based treatment that combines cognitive behavioral treatment approaches and Eastern philosophies, like mindfulness and acceptance.
Q: What types of problems are best treated by DBT?
A. DBT helps with regulating intense, painful emotions; controlling life-threatening and life-interfering behaviors; managing difficult interpersonal relationships; and fostering more life balance.
Q. How is DBT integrated in WJCS mental health treatment?
A: Many therapists incorporate DBT strategies and skills into treatment. A therapist may recommend that a client attend a DBT training group in conjunction with individual therapy. Comprehensive DBT Therapy may include participation in DBT individual therapy and/or family therapy, a DBT Skills Group, and DBT Phone Skills Coaching between sessions.WJCS has a DBT-Informed Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that includes attendance of 4 groups per week, including 3 DBT skills training groups, psychiatric treatment, and individual and/or family therapy. The IOP helps clients learn the main skills quickly and requires a commitment of 6 weeks enrollment to complete IOP
Q. Can I enroll in a WJCS DBT group, If I am working with a therapist outside of WJCS?
A. Yes.
Q. How soon can I join a DBT skills group?
A. Entrance into skills groups is on a rolling basis, with openings at the start of each new module.There are openings approximately every 10-12 weeks for Adult Groups and 6-8 weeks for Adolescent groups. Some of our groups have waiting lists. Please contact the coordinator to inquire about wait time for a particular group.
Q. Do you have different types of DBT Skills Groups?
A. Yes. We have different types of DBT groups:
- Adult groups for individuals 18 and over
- Young Adult group for adults approximately ages 18-30
- Adolescent groups for individuals ages 13—17
- Multi-Family Groups for individuals ages 13—17 accompanied by his/her parent/guardian. In the Multi-Family Group, the parent and adolescent both learn the skills and participate as members in the group
- A Middle School-aged group for ages 11-13 when available
- DBT Graduate Group for adults who have completed at least 1 full round of DBT skills group and wish to continue reviewing and applying DBT skills
Q. What type of people are members of your Skills Groups?
A: All of our skills groups are open to both men and women. Our membership is diverse, with individuals at different levels of functioning and from a wide range of racial, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.
Q: How many members are in each DBT group?
A: The maximum number of group members we allow is 12.
Q. Are the groups led by one therapist?
A: No. All groups are co-led with 2 DBT clinicians.
Medication Management
Q: Does your program offer medication management?
A. Yes. Individuals enrolled in Comprehensive DBT or DBT-Informed Treatment may see a WJCS psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner for a psychiatric evaluation and ongoing medication management. At the current time, our psychiatrists are not trained in DBT and do not participate in the DBT Therapist Consultation Team.
Q. If I start Comprehensive or DBT-Informed Treatment, may I continue seeing my outside psychiatrist?
A: This is decided on a case-by-case basis.
Eligibility Requirements
Q. Do I have to have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder to be eligible for services?
A: No. DBT can be helpful for a wide variety of diagnoses.
Q. Are there any age restrictions or special programs for particular aged individuals?
A. Adult services are open to individuals 18 and over. Adolescent services are open to individuals ages 13. We may be able to offer some limited services or skills training to individuals younger than 13 when appropriate and possible to do.
Q. Do I need to be a Westchester County resident in order to receive services?
A. No, you can live in or outside of Westchester County. However, you must be able to commit to the total number of group and individual sessions, which will vary depending on what level of treatment in which you enroll.
Referral Process
Q: How do I refer myself / my family member / my client for treatment?
A. We prefer that the client (or parent of an adolescent) contact us directly to refer himself or herself for treatment. When making a referral, please be prepared with your insurance information.
To learn more about our DBT services, click here.
If you are interested in Comprehensive DBT or have a question about the DBT program or a particular DBT skills group, please contact: Christopher Libby, PhD, Coordinator of DBT Services , at (914) 949-6761 x 2456 or email [email protected]