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Enrollment Limited to: 20
Contact Hours: 2
CEU’s: 2

Mental health professionals, perhaps now more than ever, are susceptible to stress and burn out directly related to their job responsibilities. Part of this comes from defining our professional selves based on what we are told our roles should be and what we should be able to accomplish rather than a realistic appraisal of situations and settings. In addition, we buy into the construct of the “ideal psychotherapy client” and negatively assess the quality of our work when that dynamic does not emerge. To understand how this could be impacting a clinician’s work, we will evaluate the constructs of the therapeutic alliance and client compliance and the level of burn out that a clinician might report experiencing. The course will allow for participants to review their own caseloads in relation to these constructs in order to assess how vulnerable to burn out we might be. The course will suggest ways that clinicians can think about the challenges of their work differently in order to potentially decrease the burn out we experience.

Method: Lecture, discussion, and video clips

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to assess their own clients via a model of therapeutic alliance and compliance and describe how one client’s relationship with them and progress in the work relates to this model.
  2. Participants will identify one way of thinking about a client or their work in general that could potentially add to their own burn out.
  3. Participants will be able to assess their overall case loads at this time via this model and identify where the vulnerability for burn out might exist for them at this time.

Cost: $100

Instructor: Kenn Mann, Psy.D.

Location: Live Via Zoom

Westchester Jewish Community Services is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0101, and by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW0067, and by The New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0313. 

Please note: To receive CE credits, one must attend the entirety of the class. Partial credit will not be awarded to those who attend only a portion of the class. Therefore, late arrival or an early departure of greater than 10 minutes constitutes not attending a class in its entirety. To document attendance, participants must sign in and out of the class and complete an evaluation at the end of each class.

Client Alliance, Compliance & Therapist Burn Out

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