Thanks to your support, the WJCS Jewish Programs and Health & Healing Support Services continue to fan out across the county to comfort adults, youth, and seniors as we all try to make sense of what is going on in the world.


These past six months have been incredibly difficult for so many in the Jewish community, as well as people of all backgrounds. The horrific attack against Israel, the significant antisemitism, and the decrease of civil discourse have touched us all. For those with family in Israel, children on college campuses, children and adults looking for explanations or having conflicting views, and our Holocaust Survivors, it has been especially challenging.

Thanks to your steadfast compassion, you continue to ensure that WJCS is here for the most unimaginable moments in the Jewish community and Health and Healing throughout Westchester County…when tragedy occurs here in our own backyard, we provide the emotional and trauma-informed support to help individuals and families through the grieving process to the process of healing.


Pathways to Care has expanded to the Rivertowns!

WJCS Pathways to Care supports the pressing needs of individuals of all backgrounds with chronic illness and those of their family caregivers, through clinical support and education regarding the chronic illness itself, and best practices in managing community-based palliative care related to the chronic illness. We have been providing palliative care support for those diagnosed critical, chronic, and life-limiting illness for over fifteen years in central and eastern parts of Westchester County.

This expansion to the Rivertown communities will further WJCS’s overall goal to work throughout the county with people of all backgrounds to better cope with emotional, environmental, physical, interpersonal, and social challenges. A special thanks to Phelps Community Healthcare Foundation for funding this expansion.

If you or someone you know needs support, please contact Sarah Lieberman, LMSW, at 914-761-0000 x2141; [email protected].

WJCS Health & Healing Support Services

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