At a time of frequent and horrific news stories of racial injustices, WJCS recommits its support of the fight against systemic racism. We consider sensitivity toward diversity, equity, and inclusion essential to our work with clients and to developing a safe, protected, and accepting environment for staff a top priority.
As a trauma-informed agency and at the forefront of trauma treatment, WJCS recognizes that racial discrimination is a trauma. We are dedicated to the ongoing work of creating a safe, healthy, and productive environment for our employees and clients, and will continue to work to ensure that people of all backgrounds have an equal chance of being hired and promoted.
The disproportionate number of people of color who died from the COVID-19 virus and the horrors and frequency of race-based police brutality have put the realities of structural inequity suffered by Black and Brown communities and racial trauma into high relief. At WJCS, we aim to become continually more educated, encourage frequent conversation, and ensure a sense of safety and predictability,
We realize that to be trauma informed and racially equitable is an ongoing journey and we are committed to that journey.. We can never stop educating ourselves. We must always strive to be better.
For resources to fight racism, please click here.