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A Year of Challenge, Support, and Resilience

2024-12-16T10:42:03-05:00December 16th, 2024|Categories: Feature, Featured Homepage, General|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This year has been one in which the Jewish community has faced unprecedented challenges. The skyrocketing rise in antisemitism and antisemitic incidents has alarmed people, young and old. Youth in day schools and synagogue programs with whom WJCS partners are shaken by reports of antisemitic harassment, vandalism, and rhetoric. Parents are worried about their children and how to explain and protect them from hate speech and hate in general. Holocaust survivors, who never imagined they would once again see antisemitism spreading across the world, are filled with fear and concern about their children and grandchildren’s futures. WJCS is here ...

Post-October 7th: Supporting the Jewish Community

2024-04-08T17:24:40-04:00April 8th, 2024|Categories: Feature, Featured Homepage|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The October 7th massacre committed by Hamas terrorists in Israel has stung all those in the Jewish community as well as many people who are just plainly appalled at the barbaric savagery and kidnapping that took place. The Jewish Programs division at WJCS has been actively supporting youth, adults, and the elderly during this frightening and devastating period in numerous ways. Our focus has been on addressing mental health and building resilience, which includes offering education about trauma and building coping skills. WJCS partners with over 25 synagogues, Jewish nursery and day schools, JCCs, and assisted living facilities. We have ...

You Can Help Us Comfort the Westchester Community

2023-11-20T10:53:16-05:00November 16th, 2023|Categories: Feature, Featured Homepage|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The attacks in Israel on October 7th and the ensuing war have sparked shock, horror, and fear. Our community continues to experience stress and we are continuing to provide services for those who are suffering. Together we can ease the pain and create a healing space for our community. WJCS clinicians have led dozens of support groups for individuals struggling with emotional difficulties due to these horrible events and the rise in antisemitism worldwide. We've provided individual and group counseling to terrified teens, adults, and the elderly, including Holocaust survivors who are seeing their worst fears of "Never Again" ...

Crime Victims Advocacy and Support Services Program (CVASSP)

2023-10-19T13:37:25-04:00October 17th, 2023|Categories: Feature, Featured Homepage, General|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Being a victim of a crime is a traumatic experience. WJCS has launched a Crime Victims Advocacy and Support Services Program (CVASSP). By supporting victims through advocacy, ensuring they have safe housing, helping them access public benefits, and providing mental health counseling, WJCS helps victims recover from the experience. “Being a victim of a crime can be a life-altering event, shattering one's sense of security and safety. WJCS is here to help victims with the recovery process, to connect them to services, and to walk with them on the path to recovery,” said WJCS CEO Seth Diamond. A crime ...

Meaningful Friendships that Promote Mental Wellness

2023-10-19T13:41:06-04:00October 14th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health, Feature, Featured Homepage, Featured Internal, General|Tags: , , , , , , , |

This year the WJCS Compeer program, a supportive friendship program in which each volunteer is matched with an individual recovering from mental illness, celebrates its 50th anniversary. By facilitating friendships, Compeer helps mental health clients feel less isolated and more integrated into their communities. Compeer started as a small program in upstate New York and has grown into an international organization with over 40 chapters. Compeer volunteers commit to spending time with a mental health client for a year or more. Research has shown that most Compeer clients see improvements in multiple areas of their lives as a result ...

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