WJCS Trainings for Schools, First Responders, Youth Organizations, Community Partners, Parents, Legal Experts, and Public Interest Groups

Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) is the largest provider of licensed outpatient community-based mental health services and one of the largest human service organizations in Westchester. WJCS professionals offer a variety of trainings to educate school staff, law enforcement and other first responders, youth organizations, community partners, parents, legal experts, and other public interest groups about mental health, trauma, vicarious trauma, LGBTQ+ issues, domestic violence, crisis counseling, and mindfulness. Our trainings include:

Training Interest Form

1 in 5 adolescents suffer from a mental illness and adolescent depression has increased 41% between 2006 and 2014 in the U.S. alone. This workshop will:

  • Educate participants about Adolescent Development and the warning signs and symptoms of mental disorders
  • Help participants differentiate between ‘typical’ adolescent development and emerging or existing mental illness
  • Provide tools/strategies to enable individuals to support these youth and refer to appropriate professional help
  • Destigmatize mental illness

Contact Jessica Sansone at [email protected]Click here to learn more about our Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

This workshop introduces participants to the impact of trauma on individuals using the CDC- Kaiser research study, ACES, as a foundation. This study notes the high prevalence of trauma in the general population and the correlation of trauma exposure to negative health outcomes across physical, social and emotional functioning.

Understanding of how trauma may manifest in various settings is discussed, as well as the impact of the pandemic on individuals. It helps individuals to be sensitive to behaviors that may be caused by trauma and for organizations to become trauma-Informed. Attendees develop an understanding of the impact of trauma and strengthen their trauma sensitive response repertoire.

This workshop can be modified to a specific audience:

  • Trauma-Informed Practices for Teaching and Supporting Students
  • Trauma-Informed Practices for Teaching and Supporting Students Through the Pandemic
  • Trauma-Informed Practices for Staff Re-entering the Workplace
  • Trauma Trainings for Essential Workers
  • Trauma Trainings for Community Partners, Legal Experts, and Public Interest Groups

For school and parent trainings, contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].

For trauma trainings for essential workers, public interest groups, community partners, and legal experts, contact Liane Nelson, Ph.D. at [email protected].

This workshop can be modified to include additional supports for school staff. It will help staff to be sensitive to behaviors that may be caused by trauma and support schools to become ‘Trauma-Informed’. It will cover all the same information as ‘Trauma 101.’

Contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].

Secondary or vicarious trauma refers to the duress an individual experience when working with individuals who themselves are undergoing significant stress. Those working with individuals who are constantly under stress can experience symptoms of trauma. Left untreated, secondary trauma can cause significant disruption to the lives of individuals and detract from their ability to conduct their professional responsibilities. Secondary trauma training provides techniques to deal with the emotional toll of an individual’s job, recognize the warning signs for those experiencing trauma and offers resources on where to go for help.

Contact Liane Nelson, Ph.D. at [email protected].

This workshop demonstrates the benefits of mindfulness and demystifies it. Participants learn and explore mindfulness exercises that will enable them to self-regulate and balance their lives and work.

Contact Liane Nelson, Ph.D. at [email protected].

Youth Mental Health First Aid® is the help offered to a young person experiencing a mental health challenge, mental disorder or a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate help is received or until the crisis resolves. Mental Health First Aid® does not teach people to diagnose or to provide treatment.

This evidence-based course is designed for adults who regularly interact with adolescents (teachers, school staff, coaches, youth group leaders, parents, etc.) and introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents while educating them on typical stages of adolescent development. Most importantly, the course teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge.

This course can be offered as a ‘Blended Learning’ – this allows staff to do 2 hours of pre-work and receive the remainder of the training virtually in 4.5 hours.

Contact Jessica Sansone at [email protected].

Click here to learn more about our Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

A new peer-to-peer training program specifically designed for teens in grades 10-12. This program was developed in response to critical mental health needs of young people — half of all mental illnesses develop by the age of 14 and suicide is one of the leading causes of death among teens — as well as research indicating that young people have a preference for sharing problems with peers, but that their friends do not always have the knowledge or skills to help. As with all MHFA training, TMHFA is an evidence-based training program for teens in grades 10-12. It teaches young people how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders among their friends. It also gives them the skills to have supportive conversations with their friends and get a responsible and trusted adult to take over as necessary. This course is designed to be delivered in schools or community sites by a trained TMHFA Instructor in three interactive classroom sessions of 90 minutes each or six sessions of 45 minutes each.

Contact Jessica Sansone at [email protected].

Click here to learn more about our Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

Similar to Youth Mental Health First Aid but targeted to supporting Adults experiencing mental health challenge, mental disorder or a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate help is received or until the crisis resolves.

This course can be offered as a ‘Blended Learning’ – this allows staff to do 2 hours of pre-work and receive the remainder of the training virtually in 6.5 hours.

Contact Jessica Sansone at [email protected].

Click here to learn more about our Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

This workshop explores how stress and trauma effect behavior and how parents can improve communication with their children while fostering resilience. Learn how to set limits, stay calm, and get on your child’s level. Empower yourself to parent with love and feel more confident communicating with your child.

Contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].

Learn hands-on approaches to parenting while learning what positive parenting is all about. Add to your “toolbox” with new parenting skills to encourage desired behavior and see more positive outcomes in the future.

Contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].

This workshop for parents of teens but can be modified for younger children. It teaches parents and caregivers mindfulness tools and coping strategies to use particularly through COVID-19. They include The Three-Minute Breathing Space, Mindful Listening and Communication, and Gratitude. It explores why and how mindful parenting can help by acknowledging grief, loss of routine, and limited socialization and emphasizes Self-Care, Mindful Self Compassion and Loving- kindness for Parents.

Contact Caitlin Leon at [email protected].

WJCS Center Lane supports LGBTQ+ kids by offering education for youth and adults on how to create a safe, welcoming and affirming community for all youth. We educate peers, parents, teachers, administrators, physicians, therapists – anyone who knows or works with teens in Westchester! We facilitate engaging and interactive presentations and workshops by creating a safe environment where participants can ask tough questions, learn without judgement, and enhance their skills to treat LGBTQ+ youth with respect and dignity.

Presentation topics, include:

  • LGBTQ+ Basics and Beyond
  • Trans Affirming Practices
  • Talking Trans with Kids (Elementary, Middle and High School versions)
  • LGBTQ+ History
  • ORIENT: Center Lane’s hands-on workshop featuring real-life scenarios facing LGBTQ+ youth
  • Having Difficult Conversations
  • Making the Most of Your GSA
  • Creating Inclusive Environments and Safe Spaces
  • Being an Active Aspiring Ally
  • Helping LGBTQ+ Youth Assess Risky Behaviors
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Residential Treatment Centers
  • Laws and Leadership: Best practices in complying with DASA (the Dignity for All Students Act), GENDA (the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act) and the Civil Rights Act
  • Teaching Students Self and Peer Advocacy Skills
  • LGBTQ+ Bullying Prevention and Intervention
  • Healthy LGBTQ+ Relationships

WJCS Center Lane staff have given presentations to numerous audiences, including:

  • Elementary, Middle, and High School students, administrators, teachers, psychologists, social workers, counselors, staff, teacher aides/assistants, nurses, safety personnel, support staff and volunteers
  • Parents, including PTAs, service organizations, and social groups
  • Child care agencies, including direct care staff, clinical staff, support personnel, and families
  • Community-based organizations
  • Counseling and social service agencies, including substance abuse counselors, social workers, psychologists, and therapists
  • Human Resources departments
  • Faith communities
  • Government agencies and offices
  • Health fairs, career fairs, and Pride conferences
  • Law enforcement professionals
  • Physicians and other medical professionals
  • Residential Treatment Centers

Contact [email protected].