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Events at this venue

Maintaining Appropriate Professional Boundaries: Exploring Ethical Obligations of Mental Health Professionals (FOR WJCS STAFF ONLY)


This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns often experienced by professionals in practice in maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, including telehealth and social media domains. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that
insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm.

Client Alliance, Compliance & Therapist Burn Out


Mental health professionals, perhaps now more than ever, are susceptible to stress and burn out directly related to their job responsibilities. Part of this comes from defining our professional selves based on what we are told our roles should be and what we should be able to accomplish rather than a realistic appraisal of situations and settings.

Complicated Relationships: Case Studies in Boundaries (FOR WJCS STAFF ONLY)


This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns often experienced by professionals in practice in maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, including telehealth and social media domains. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that
insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm.